Though I felt required to attend, I’d been avoiding the
Occupy movement in
Rosa. I
couldn’t agree more with the concept and the near miraculous fact of its
nationwide existence, but I didn’t feel up to a protest. I’ve been angry, I’ve marched, I’ve carried
signs, and even shut down a freeway. The
emotional impact of being in that mass of chanting, angry people is increasingly
overwhelming not to mention that it’s difficult to point to any direct effect
of all the drama. Now it’s the busiest
time of the year for me, kilns to fill, pots to throw and paint… But the fact
that people are finally standing up to point out the gross disparity in wealth
distribution and lack or proportional representation needs support. I had to be counted.

I also had to do
something. I couldn’t just meander with
a sign. I cut two National Geographics
into 6x6” squares to fold 99 cranes to represent the 99% who are losing jobs,
homes, health coverage, and social programs (plus 1 greedy little one with 34.6%
of the nation’s wealth). While I attached handles and trimmed butter bells,
Joey gathered together a portable sawhorse table, created signs, a T for the
cranes and a cooler full of sandwiches.
His vision was to provide the PB&J brigade: Peace, Brotherhood &
Justice through free sandwiches.
We arrived while
the marchers were still looping the town so we claimed the shade of a tree to
set up. We were soon joined by Mia, who
began folding cranes with me. We had 12
strung by the time the parade arrived, fronted by a man dressed like the
Monopoly millionaire and a sign declaring, “This is class war. We own you.
Pay up”. “Some of us are just
worth more than others”, he chuckled.
Others signs included, “Democracy not Corporatocracy”, "What's more important, Paper or People? [drawing of dollar bill next to "paper"]", "1% fat, 99% milked". I do love the signs. Much more than the drum circle.
Folding the cranes
provided a calm focus and there was always at least one other person at the
table with me. Photographers snapped
away. Joey gave away 70 sandwiches to
big smiles and gratitude. By the time we
packed up, we had 81 cranes. I even
stumbled through an interview with KSRO. The Occupation wasn’t a scream-fest, instead the
feeling was relieved and playful, and being so close to Halloween, there were
costumes. A marked awareness of the
recent violence at Occupy Oakland may have contributed to the city government
officially allowing tent camping on the lawn.
We’ll be back next week. As the sign said, “The Beginning is Near.”