Egg Cups!

I just made a slew of egg cups thanks to my new fascination and favorite breakfast of the soft boiled egg (3.5 minutes for a room temperature egg, 4 for a refrigerated one). I love to knock the top off with my spoon and then dunk toast "soldiers" (toast cut into little slices small enough to fit inside the opening) in the luscious yolk. Delicious! Then I scoop out the cooked whites with my teaspoon while admiring the lovely packaging of the egg shell itself. Such a perfect container!
I've been wondering what to do with these molds I got from a guy on craigslist, and I've found purpose for them in egg cup companions. I have owls, chickens, ducks, turtles and frogs. Of course I had to paint some octopus, trees & bees. I figure some people may use the more chalice-like designs for shot glasses, or olive pit holders, stud earring cups, or cumin seed dispensers.... suggestions? More photos and designs are on the way....